• Lease contracts and international interpretation IFRIC 22


    Peace and blessings

              Asharqia Chamber presents its best regards and informs you of  the receipt of the letter of the Council of the Saudi Chambers No. (2671) date 3/11 / 1438, referring to the letter of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (2017/18815) dated 1/11/1438 on the adoption of the International Standard for Financial Reporting No. 16, Lease "and IFRIC 22" Transactions in foreign currency and deferred or received prepayment in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants, after studying the legal, regulatory and technical aspects. This document can be found at http://socpa.org. Sa / socpa / international-standards / approved.aspx, which included the decision to adopt each individual standard and additions (if there is any) that are part of the requirements Application of international standards in the Kingdom.

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